Christians and Marxists in dialogue on the encyclicals of Pope Francis – remarkable also from a left point of view.
The two encyclicals issued by Pope Francis are dedicated to questions of central importance. The encyclicals focus on problems faced by people throughout the globe in the context of the worldwide social and ecological destruction of human existence. Therefore, the interpretation of these encyclicals is also important for Marxists and for the Christian-Marxist dialogue.
What differences become visible between Christian and Marxist interpretations of the encyclicals? Where is the common ground? Can Christians and Marxists formulate shared alternatives and develop joint action on the basis of both encyclicals ? What could be the next common steps?
Petra Steinmair-Pösel, Church College of Education /Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule – Edith Stein, Innsbruck/Austria
Michael Loewy, French-Brazilian Marxist sociologist and philosopher
Cornelia Hildebrandt, philosopher, Co-President of transform! europe, Berlin/Vienna
Philipp Geitzhaus, Marxist theologian and activist, Münster/Germany
This webinar is organized by DIALOP, it’s a transversal dialogue project between Christians and Marxists.
The DIALOP is a joint project between universities, foundations, and associations, developed by faculty members with different ideological and philosophical, Marxist or Christian backgrounds. In times of growing social challenges, its aim is to promote dialogue between Marxist and Christian positions and develop common commitments to peace, non-violence, social justice, democracy, and ecological transformation. While Europe runs the risk of becoming a continent fragmented by walls and fences as well as increasing levels of inequality, an alternative vision of Europe must be developed: a common Europe of bridges, characterized by the exchange of cultural goods and values.