Online dialogue course

MAKING ROOM FOR PEACE (online dialogue course)

Online dialogue course

Making room for peace

8 appointments in italian and english for everybody interested in understanding how dialogue works
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Eight webinars in February and March 2023 on dialogue in general and in its specific fields, like ecumenical dialogue, interreligious dialogue, dialogue with other beliefs (DIALOP) and East/West dialogue in Europe.

23/03/2023 from 17:00 to 19:00 – Secularity versus religion? Learning from opposites.
The experience between Christians and Marxists (DIALOP – Vienna)

Project DialogUE

Making room for peace

No, peace cannot be taken for granted anywhere, in any corner of the earth. We understand more and more every day how true it is that peace is not just the absence of war, but commitment and personal effort to realize it because peace is multifaceted, it has various levels, it is multiple in relationships, forms and expressions.
The art of dialogue becomes more and more a necessary learning if we want to shape inclusive and vital societies where differences become enrichment.
The Focolare Movement has made dialogue a way of life and is committed at various levels together with many organizations that feel the same passion to build more fraternal societies. In particular through the International Association New Humanity, one of its expression, it has given life in Europe to the project DIALOGUE – Diverse Identities Allied Open to Generate a United Europe.” The project has received recognition and funding from the European Commission’s CERV program and over the course of two years aims to reap – starting from the grassroots, from the people – the fruits that arise from the often challenging dialogue between different groups in order to shape a Europe that is increasingly an expression of the “unity in multiplicity” that is its reason for being.
Are we able to understand each other among Christians, Muslims and other religions?
Can one work together with those who, although of the same belief, live it with avantgarde expressions or, on the contrary, anchored in traditions? Can one understand each other between those who believe in an eternal God, and those who have no afterlife?
How can we build a united Europe between Eastern and Western countries so different in history, culture, development, tradition, …
On this basis, the project includes several appointments to learn more and more about and practice this valuable art. The first activity kicks off in the coming days, which will offer an in-depth study of dialogue through an online course divided into 8 appointments, open to all. It will be in English and Italian. The first four appointments will allow us to penetrate into the meaning and sense of dialogue. They will be led by Roberto Catalano, an international expert on dialogue. This will be followed by four indepth discussions in specific areas, offered in several voices and an expression of as many ongoing workshops on the ground among people and citizens of various countries in Europe.




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